- LEED Certification Management
- USGBC project registration
- Online project setup with ongoing management including assigning roles and responsibilities to team members and providing the necessary templates and resources
- LEED scorecard preparation and team status reports
- Electronic team workbooks
- Complete management of LEED certification submittals including:
- Two-phase process of design and construction submittals
- Technical compliance review of team submittals prior to presenting documents to the USGBC for certification
- Supply current Errata to team members
- Direct team members to applicable CIRs (Credit Interpretation Rulings) relevant to the project
- Review and guide architect with the preparation of MasterSpec for LEED required documentation
- Preparation of your project’s LEED case study or LEED Executive Summary
- Provide comprehensive LEED Project Management Toolkit for the General Contractor, including sample IAQ plans, Construction Waste Management Plans amongst other electronic templates to simplify
the LEED paperwork